Trucking Accident Causes – Driver Distraction

Commercial trucks are large, long and heavy machines that can drive at fast speeds.  When fully loaded, semi-trucks are driving on interstates or freeways at top speeds, and it can be nearly impossible for them to come to an abrupt stop.  With numerous dangers and obstacles on roadways – including pedestrians, animals, debris, other…

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Trucking Accident Causes – Driver Fatigue

The most common cause of trucking accidents is truck driver error.  One of the most serious errors a truck driver can make is driving while tired or fatigued.  Truck driver fatigue can lead to inattentiveness, mistakes, poor decision making, increased risk taking and even falling asleep at the wheel.  According to the NTSB (National…

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Possible Defendants in Trucking Accident Cases

Accidents caused by semi-trucks (also known as commercial trucks, tractor trailers, big rigs or 18-wheelers) can result in devastating injuries to victims.  While these accidents can happen in a split-second, the facts surrounding the accident (both before and after) are often complex.  As an example, while many people would assume most trucking accidents occur…

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Investigating Trucking Accidents

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, in 2019 alone, a total of 4,119 people died in accidents related to commercial trucks (also known as semi-trucks, tractor trailers, big rigs or 18-wheelers).  Statistics show that passenger vehicle occupants suffered fatalities at a much higher rate than did occupants of semi-trucks.  In fact, 67%…

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Can You Recover Punitive Damages in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

Illinois law allows for injury victims to recover damages from persons and companies that caused the injury to occur. The damages often include awards for past and future medical bills, lost income, reduced earning capacity, loss of normal life, disfigurement, and pain and suffering. These types of damages are known as “compensatory” damages, and are…

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The Importance of an Autopsy in Wrongful Death Claims

In an autopsy, a trained forensic pathologist conducts a detailed medical examination of a decedent’s body to not only determine the cause of death, but to identify diseases, medical conditions and injuries, as well as test blood and conduct a variety of other diagnostic tests. Autopsies can be performed by a county coroner’s office,…

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First Steps After a Bicycle Accident

Nearly 50,000 bicyclists are injured or killed as a result of roadway accidents involving cars, trucks, pedestrians and other hazards on the roadway.  The Geneva bicycle accident attorneys at Feagans Law Group P.C. are experienced in fighting for your rights, should you be injured in a bicycle accident.  After any bicycle accident, injury victims…

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What is the Collateral Source Rule?

Illinois law allows injury victims to recover the full amount of all reasonable and necessary medical bills caused by an accident.  However, when health insurance is involved, the amount of a medical bill is often drastically different than the amount health insurance pays to its providers.  For instance, an MRI might cost $3,000, but…

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Paying for Medical Bills After an Accident – Understanding Insurance and Liens

Following an accident in Illinois, the three most common ways to pay for medical bills incurred as a result of treating your injuries caused by the accident are health insurance, healthcare liens and Medical Payments coverage (Med Pay).   Med Pay pays for the treatment of injuries for automobile accidents only.  It applies only…

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Commonly Misdiagnosed Medical Conditions

Studies suggest that somewhere between 250,000 and 500,000 people die as a result of medical malpractice each year in the United States. In fact, medical negligence is the third leading cause of death in the United States, after heart disease and cancer. Statistics of how many incidents of medical malpractice occur each year are…

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