How to Determine Liability in a Commercial Truck Accident

Nearly 500,000 accidents occur in the United States each year involving semi-trucks (also known as tractor trailers, big rigs or 18-wheelers). Semi-truck accidents tend to result in more severe injuries than automobile accidents as a result of the size, speed and weight of semi-trucks.
Common causes of trucking accidents include speeding, distraction, driver fatigue, failure to yield the right of way, impairment, tire or brake problems, and careless driving. However, one of the most significant causes of trucking accidents is the weight of a loaded semi-truck and the resulting long stopping distance.

Liability for a trucking accident can turn on several factors and an early investigation is necessary to determine what companies or persons might be liable for having caused the accident. Investigations often focus on the truck driver, trucking companies, automakers, mechanics and maintenance companies that serviced the truck, other motorists driving near the
truck, and public entities that maintained the roadway, among others. However, every case is unique and may require scientific testing, accident reconstructionists and other experts to fully evaluate all the parties that might be responsible for a trucking accident.

If you or a family member has been injured in a trucking accident, you should act swiftly to ensure that a timely and proper investigation of the accident occurs in order to identify all the parties that might be responsible for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Please consider contacting the attorneys at Feagans Law Group so that we can Guide Your Path to Justice.