When you seek care from a medical provider, you reasonably expect that your condition will be treated appropriately and that you will not be further harmed. Unfortunately, millions of people every year are victims of medical malpractice and suffer serious injuries as a result of their healthcare provider’s negligent care.
At Feagans Law Group P.C., we believe that victims should not have to suffer because their doctors and other healthcare providers failed to live up to expectations. We can work closely with you to determine what went wrong with your medical treatment and fight for you to recover fair compensation. Contact us today to learn more about your legal rights and options.
What Is Medical Malpractice?
Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider deviates from the standard of care resulting in harm to a patient in their care. The standard of care is the level of care another medical professional with a similar background and training would provide under similar circumstances. A medical expert must often testify about what another doctor would have done under the same or similar circumstances to prove a medical malpractice claim.
Common Types of Medical Malpractice
Unfortunately, medical mistakes can take many forms. Some of the most common types of issues that give rise to medical malpractice claims include:
- Diagnostic errors – Medical professionals who rush diagnoses may fail to collect adequate patient background or symptom information, order the proper tests, or properly review tests, leading to misdiagnoses and delayed diagnoses.Â
- Surgery errors – Surgeons can make mistakes during medical procedures and nick organs. They could also fail to account for possible complications or use proper sanitation procedures, leading to patient harm. Some even leave sponges or surgical instruments in patients after closing them up.
- Medication and anesthesia errors – Patients must be carefully monitored when receiving anesthesia or they could wind up conscious of the procedure or suffer from a consciousness disorder such as coma. Medical providers must also carefully review medications for contraindications and allergies.
- Birth injuries – Despite being an industrialized country, the United States has a higher rate of maternal mortality and birth injuries than many other less-developed countries. When healthcare providers are not careful or do not promptly respond to emergencies, babies and mothers can be harmed.Â
Our medical malpractice lawyer in Geneva can review your case’s circumstances to determine if you have a viable medical malpractice claim.
What Damages Can I Recover in a Medical Malpractice Case in Illinois?
Through a medical malpractice claim, you may be able to seek compensation for the additional costs and damages you incurred because of the mistake, including:
- Additional medical expenses you incurred to correct the healthcare provider’s mistake
- Lost wages for additional time you missed from work due to the additional medical services you required
- Any reduced earning capacity you suffered because of new impairments or injuries
- Pain and suffering, mental anguish, and emotional distress caused by your injuries
- Impairment, disability, disfigurement, and scarring caused by the mistakes
- Lost quality of life
An experienced Geneva personal injury attorney from our firm can assess your case and determine your potential damages.Â
Contact Our Geneva Medical Malpractice Lawyers for a Free Consultation
Medical malpractice cases are complex and require an in-depth understanding of medicine and the law. The experienced Geneva medical malpractice lawyers at Feagans Law Group P.C. can investigate your case, review the circumstances, gather evidence of fault, and take timely legal action within the statute of limitations. Call us today at (630) 940-2093 for a free case review with a knowledgeable lawyer.