What makes Feagans Law Group unique?
We are a relationship-driven Geneva injury law firm that takes a “concierge”-level approach to not just representing, but truly serving our clients. Relationships are at the center of our practice philosophy – with our clients and with a variety of professionals that can facilitate the resolution of cases, such as doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, insurance agencies and others. All of us at Feagans Law Group are dedicated to using our knowledge, experience and relationships to Guide Your Path to Justice.
What type of help do you offer your clients?
We are committed to offer each client respect, compassion and understanding while supporting them in a difficult time in their lives. Relationships are at the center of our practice philosophy and this means that in addition to support at all stages of the process, we also strive to educate our clients about the injury claim process, what type of evidence can bolster the claim value, the importance of seeking excellent healthcare providers to take care of their needs, and the best way to resolve medical bills. The process can be difficult for any accident victim, but we do our best to make it as easy as possible to handle.
What are the most common cases your firm handles?
While our firm is experienced in all types of injury and wrongful death cases, the most common type of case we handle are automobile accidents involving neck or back injuries. This is not surprising because according to national statistics, the most common type of injury resulting from a car accident is neck and back pain. In fact, almost 50% of all car accidents will result in reported neck or back injuries with the majority of injuries being the result of “low impact” collisions.
What is the most important thing to know about any injury case?
The most important thing to know is that in many injury-related cases you may be entitled to some form of compensation as a result of the injury. This may include medical expenses, lost wages, other professional fees and in some cases, compensation for pain and suffering. In minor situations, and if you have a reputable insurance company, your claim for a simple accident can be successfully handle this way. However, when you or a family member is involved in a serious accident, of any kind, the help of an attorney may be the best course of action to ensure that you receive the appropriate compensation for your case.
How soon after I’m injured in an accident do I need to consult a lawyer?
Depending on the seriousness of your injury, we recommend consulting an attorney as soon as possible after the accident. It is important that you act swiftly to ensure that a timely and proper investigation of the accident occurs in order to identify all the parties that might be responsible for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. We offer a free case evaluation to all prospective clients to help us determine how we can support you in case of an accident. Click the link to start your process.Â
What kind of information will you need to know when I come to see you?
The information needed for each case may differ, based on the type of injury.
However, at a minimum, for most accident cases, a police report is an important first step. This report usually includes location of the accident, dates, names and addresses of people involved, some details about the occurrence, etc. Other helpful information would be pictures of the accident, names of possible witnesses, the other party’s insurance information. If you were taken to a hospital, copy of diagnosis, medical notes and discharge papers is also important. Since each case may require different information, we invite you to contact us for a free case evaluation.
If I’m injured, how do I know that someone else might be at fault?
When you are injured as a result of an accident, there may situations when no one is at fault—accidents happen. However, when your accident is a result of negligence, sometimes present in car accidents, incompetence, as in cases of medical malpractice, poor safety practices, as in construction accidents — the injured party (you) should be entitled to some type of compensation. The help of an experienced lawyer becomes an important element to get the justice you deserve.
How often are you able to help your clients attain the justice they deserve?
While we have a stellar success rate, the circumstances of each case and the results we are able to attain for each client vary greatly – often depending on the severity of our clients’ injuries and the amount of insurance that is available to compensate our clients. Ultimately, our promise to each client is that we will work tirelessly to maximize the compensation they receive for the losses they have and are yet to endure.
How long, on average, does it take to resolve an injury case?
Unfortunately, there is no true time frame in which a claim will resolve. Most claims that resolve in settlement prior to the filing of a lawsuit will take somewhere from 5 to 6 months to 2 years after an injury to reach settlement. Claims that result in a lawsuit could take several years to reach settlement or only resolve after trial. There are a variety of factors that might play into whether a claim settles quickly or takes a longer time period to resolve including the severity of injuries, the time needed for treatment, the severity and cause of an accident, the amount of insurance coverage available and the willingness of an insurance company to properly evaluate your claim, among others.
How does the type of injury case impact the time it takes to resolve it?
Each case is different, but in general, the more complex cases involving serious injuries, multiple parties or unique circumstances tend to take longer to be resolved. Complex cases sometimes involve resolution by trial, thus impacting the time to get the issues resolved.
Does the time between an injury and consulting an attorney matter in resolving a case?
Yes, in many cases. When an attorney is not consulted early in the case, it is possible that mistakes are made, thus weakening the case and delaying the successful resolution. Particularly in cases of serious injury, it is essential to engage the help of an attorney as early as possible.
If I were hurt in an auto accident but was ticketed by police, could I still have a case?
Yes, it is possible that even if you are ticketed in an accident, you could recover for the injuries you sustained in the accident. First, traffic tickets alone are generally not admissible in court. In an injury case, the determination of who is at fault for the accident is a decision reserved for the jury alone – not a police officer. Second, in Illinois, even if you are partially at fault for causing an accident, as long as your fault is not more than 50% of the fault attributable in an accident, you could still have the right to recover compensation commensurate with the other driver’s degree of fault. However, if you plead guilty to a ticket, the guilty plea could be admissible at the trial of your injury claim. It is key to consult an experienced Geneva car accident attorney in such situations to ensure you are protected. We offer a free case evaluation to help determine how we can best serve you.
If you represent me do you work with insurance companies on my behalf?
Yes. We work to provide insurance companies with the information they need to properly evaluate and compensate you for your injuries.
What do you mean by “concierge”-level representation?
Concierge-level representation signifies the comprehensive service we provide to our clients, grounded in relationships. They are the relationships that our group utilizes to guide our clients through every aspect of an injury claim.
First and foremost is the relationship we develop with our clients. In addition, our years of experience have garnered trusted relationships with doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, legal funding companies, medical billing professionals, insurance agents, evidence experts, health insurance companies and yes, even liability insurance companies. By establishing and fostering these relationships, we are able to provide the resources that injury victims need to obtain proper health care, pay for medical bills, cover periods of unpaid wages, obtain insurance coverage after an accident and, ultimately, recover the proper compensation our clients deserve. Our goal is to become your trusted advisor in all aspects of your accident-related situations.
How are you able to achieve the success rate you have?
Our rate of success is attributed primarily to our commitment to meet our clients’ needs and to foster strong partnerships, with the goal of resolving cases to bring our clients the justice you deserve. We offer a unique understanding of the worlds of insurance, healthcare, business and the law. Our attorneys have specific areas of expertise and this allows us to increase our success rates in dealing with all our clients. Each case is unique, and we treat our clients as such.
What are the most difficult cases to win, and why?
While each case can present unique challenges, injury claims resulting from falls on ice are generally very complex and difficult to win. An experienced accident attorney who understands the natural accumulation rule and its exceptions, as we do at Feagans Law Group, is necessary for any injury victim who has suffered a fall on ice. Our attorneys can guide your path to justice following a fall injury on ice.
How much does it cost if you take my case?
Our injury clients are not charged any fees or costs for our work until they receive compensation for their injuries. Feagans Law Group P.C. is compensated only after our clients win the right to compensation by virtue of settlement or trial. Feagans Law Group’s fees are paid under a traditional contingency fee arrangement with costs we incur also refunded to us at that time. However, our general promise to our injury clients is that our legal fee will never eclipse their net recovery!
When are your fees due?
Our fees our due only after our clients are compensated through settlement or trial.